Photo of Ester Guixot Spain

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2002/2007 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Faculty of San Carlos, specialization drawing.


2009 "Young Art Alicante 2009," Cultural Scope - The English Court, Alicante.

2009 X Encuentros de Arte Contemporáneo - EAC-Alicantino Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

2008 Visions from the Arts to music by Ruperto Chapi. Alicantino...

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Photo of Ester Guixot Spain


2002/2007 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Faculty of San Carlos, specialization drawing.


2009 "Young Art Alicante 2009," Cultural Scope - The English Court, Alicante.

2009 X Encuentros de Arte Contemporáneo - EAC-Alicantino Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

2008 Visions from the Arts to music by Ruperto Chapi. Alicantino Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

2008 Graphic Design Contest XIII "Carnestoltes 2009", Institute of Culture Alicantino Juan Gil-Albert.

2006 Poster Contest Announcers holiday 2007, under the theme "CARNIVAL AND PARTY." Acquisition of this for the Museum of Alicante Bonfires.


Archive of Woodcut Prints, Faculty of Fine Arts San Carlos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Title: Night without light.
Title: A city a book. (Book artist).


2008 "Viewpoint." Cultural Area Court-English, Alicante.


2010 "Windows to the world" Municipal Arts Center, City of Alicante. From 4 to 30 June. Alicante.

2009 X Encuentros de Arte Contemporáneo - EAC-Alicantino Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert. Museum of the University of Alicante. From September 16 to November 21, 2009.

2008 "Views from art to music by Ruperto Chapi." Alicantino Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil Albert, 5 December 2008 to February 5, 2009, Alicante. Catalogue edited.

2008 "Views from art to music by Ruperto Chapi." Casa de Cultura de Villena, from 3 to 26 October Alicante. Catalogue edited.

2007 Gallery 9, Valencia.

2007 "A_COTADOS" Sala d'Exposicions of the House of Culture Alboraia, Valencia.

2007 "Moviment Woodcut" Sala d 'Exposicions the Museum of the City Council Municipal Rajoleria Paiporta, Valencia. Catalogue edited.

2006 "29 desitjos ..." Sala d'Exposicions of the Casa de Cultura de Burjassot, Valencia.

2006 "B.5.1" Palmaret Civic Center. Alboraya, Valencia.
"B.5.1" Sala d 'Exposicions the Museum of the City Council Municipal Rajoleria Paiporta, Valencia.

2006 "I PUNT" Showroom Quart de Poblet, Valencia.

3 Days in the Llotgeta Audiovisual projection, valencia.
Animation Collective EIXIM?.

2005 "1 December International Day of the fight against AIDS. "
Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia ..
"December 1st International Day of the fight against AIDS."
Renal Joseph Hall, Valencia.

3 Days in the Llotgeta Audiovisual projection, valencia.
Animation Collective EIXIM?.

2006 "I PUNT" Showroom Quart de Poblet, Valencia.

2006 "B.5.1" Palmaret Civic Center. Alboraya, Valencia.
"B.5.1" Sala d 'Exposicions the Museum of the City Council Municipal Rajoleria Paiporta, Valencia.

2006 "29 desitjos ..." Sala d'Exposicions of the Casa de Cultura de Burjassot, Valencia.

2007 "Moviment Woodcut" Sala d 'Exposicions the Museum of the City Council Municipal Rajoleria Paiporta, Valencia.

2007 "A_COTADOS" Sala d'Exposicions of the House of Culture Alboraia, Valencia.

2007 Gallery 9, Valencia.

2008 "Views from art to music by Ruperto Chapi." Alicante.

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